We help you handle everything from where to travel to, ticket procurement, to apartments procurement, to planning daily fun activties in the location that you currently reside.

We curate nomading experiences for Digital Nomads around the world.

We utitlize AI to help you pick the right locations and experiences for you.


A New Way To Nomad Across The World.

We curate the right location and experiences for your digital nomading, we also help you bridge cultural and language barriers, plus provide the right legal support that you might need.


We make it easy for you to get started on your digital nomading journey.


We help to improve your nomading experience by handling all your basic and special needs for you.

Modern & Luxurious Apartments

We provide a wide array of apartments to our users, from simple style apartments to luxurious apartments



Cape Verde


Frequently asked

We help our users determine the right locations they should nomad utilizing AI, we also help with procuring, the right travelling option, as well as accomodation, we also help with curating the right daily experiences for them in their current location using AI, plus handling all legal, language and cultural barriers that they might experience.

We utilize AI trained on your data and that of other Digital Nomads to predict locations and experinece that you will love.

We currently serve Digital Nomads based in over 50 locations across the world.

We charge our users based on the number of our services that they are currently using, seeing as we provide various services (location, experience and accomodation curation, legal, e.t.c), .


DigiNomads is the number 1 platform for planning and curating your nomading experiences.


